Curriculum Guide
One of the goals of the Bible teacher is to cultivate young men and women to live as light in a dark world. With the hope that each student will live in relationship with and service to Christ, the curriculum of the Bible class is designed to give practical training in understanding the Bible and applying God's truth to life. God has given us a perfect Guidebook, and the Bible curriculum incorporates His plans for living a successful and victorious life. The Bible study, as well as the disciplines of spiritual growth, and the wisdom necessary to ground young people for the rest of their lives are presented in a clear and concise manner.
Ninth Grade (two semesters)
Bible I
Fall Semester – Students will complete a study of the books of Genesis, Exodus, and Psalms. Historical context, proper interpretation, continuity of Scripture, messianic themes, and personal application will be emphasized.
Spring Semester – Students will complete the first section of Bible Doctrines, focusing on: Bibliology (The Bible), Theology Proper (God the Father), and Christology (God the Son). These major points of belief will be examined in their biblical context, and personal application of the truths of God will be emphasized.
Tenth Grade (two semesters)
Bible II
Fall Semester – Students will complete a study of the books of Isaiah, John, and Acts. Historical context, proper interpretation, continuity of Scripture, messianic themes and personal application will be emphasized.
Spring Semester – Students will complete the second section of Bible Doctrines, focusing on: Pneumatology (God the Holy Spirit), Soteriology (Doctrine of Salvation), Ecclesiology (Doctrine of the Church), and Eschatology (Doctrine of End Times). These major points of belief will be examined in their biblical context, and personal application of the truths of God will be emphasized.
Eleventh Grade (two semesters)
Fall Semester - Students will complete a study of the books of Romans, 1 Corinthians, and Pastoral Epistles. Historical context, proper interpretation, continuity of Scripture, the actions and implications of the life of Jesus, and an understanding of genuine Christianity are emphasized.
Spring Semester - Students will examine the basic elements of the general concept of a worldview and then apply their understanding to an analysis of varying worldviews found among the people of our time. Historical foundations of worldviews as well as practical implications of what people believe will be a major emphasis. Christianity as a worldview will be compared and contrasted with other perspectives, with an emphasis on the strength of a biblical approach to life and culture.
Twelfth Grade (two semesters)
Biblical Paradigms
Students will make their way through a capstone course, focusing on a review of the basic structure of Scripture and the character of God, understanding the implications of Christian beliefs on day-to-day life, examining how Christians should approach both sharing and defending the biblical worldview in a broader culture, and practical elements of “street level” apologetics in their own lives. Additionally, a thematic study of the book of Revelation is completed. The Biblical Paradigms course is an exercise in getting students ready to leave TCA and be compassionate, productive witnesses for Christ in the larger world.
The study of Language Arts involves the training of the student in oral language, reading, spelling, and composition. These areas of communication are foundational for all other areas of learning. The process and product of communication reflects the very nature of God.
To express Himself to man, God speaks to us through His Word. In teaching reading, the phonics-based approach will be used to provide students an orderly and logical way of learning to read, along with the teaching of comprehension skills. As students progress in reading ability, they will learn to engage texts of increasing complexity.
In the study of grammar, students will be taught to use their speech in ways that glorify our Heavenly Father. Grammar studies will aid students in critical reading and in expressing themselves clearly and creatively as they communicate God's Truth with others.
The study of spelling and composition will enable students to communicate clearly through various forms of written expression.
All language arts courses are taught in a way to enable the student to think and communicate in logical and creative ways as reflected in the nature of God.
Required Credits: 4
English I - Ninth Grade (two semesters)
English I includes an emphasis on comparison and contrast writing. The course covers the process of literary analysis. The literary elements of conflict, character, theme, point of view, structure, and tone are analyzed while students evaluate authors and their works.
English II - Tenth Grade (two semesters)
This course explores expository writing while integrating language skills. Students focus on specific genres of literature such as folktales, epics, essays, poetry, and drama. The study evaluates literature in light of Scripture from a biblical worldview.
Honors English II - Tenth Grade (two semesters)
This course explores expository writing while integrating language skills. Students focus on specific genres of literature such as folktales, epics, essays, poetry, and drama. The study evaluates literature in light of Scripture from a biblical worldview. Novels such as To Kill A Mockingbird and The Screwtape Letters are used in the study of literary topics such as allusion, symbolism, imaginative comparison, irony, foreshadowing, and sound and syntax.
English III - Eleventh Grade (two semesters)
English III focuses on persuasive writing. Activities and assessments emphasize writing utilizing personal expression, researched synthesis, and literary analysis. Lessons examine Colonial, Revolutionary, Romantic, Realistic, Naturalistic, and Modern literature. Darwinism and religious liberalism are also covered.
AP Language & Composition - Eleventh Grade (two semesters)
The AP Language & Composition course aligns to an introductory college-level rhetoric and writing curriculum, which requires students to develop evidence-based analytic and argumentative essays that proceed through several stages or drafts. Students evaluate, synthesize, and cite research to support their arguments. Through the course, students develop a personal style by making appropriate organizational and grammatical choices. Additionally, students read and analyze rhetorical elements and their effects in non-fiction texts, including visual images as forms of text, from many disciplines and historical periods.
English IV - Twelfth Grade (two semesters)
Writing for persuasion, analysis, and research is emphasized. British literature is studied from eight literary periods in light of Scripture: Old English, Middle English, Tudor, Stuart, Neoclassical, Romantic, Victorian, and Modern. English Christianity is traced from its beginnings to the present.
AP English Literature & Composition - Twelfth Grade (two semesters)
AP English Literature & Composition includes an intensive study of representative works such as those by authors cited in the AP English Course Description. By the time the student completes English Literature & Composition, the student will have studied both British and American writers, as well as works written in several genres from the sixteenth century to contemporary times. Students learn to analyze poetry and prose and to respond analytically in well-developed college-level essays.
History is the study of how God has established and developed His world and the people in it. We always seek to recognize God's sovereignty and hand in history for His ultimate purpose. The providential working of God is acknowledged throughout history in the past, present, and future. Our history classes survey American history, world history, government, Texas history, geography, social studies and economics with emphasis on patriotism, character development, and the variety of contributions made by persons and events in history.
Cultural Geography - Ninth Grade (two semesters)
This class is a survey through a regional approach of both geographic principles and countries of the world. Students "travel" from continent to continent around the world studying the culture, land forms, climates, resources, economy, religions, and government of each country.
World History - Tenth Grade (two semesters)
Students see historical events from Creation to modern times. The development of the major world civilizations with an emphasis on western civilization will be covered. Geography, economics, and current events will be stressed as well.
Honors World History - Tenth (two semesters)
Honors World History emphasizes a more analytical and more enriched study of topics. It is for students who desire a more challenging curriculum in their social studies course. Students should be prepared for a greater amount of outside reading. In order to be successful, it is highly recommended that the student be self-motivated and have excellent class attendance.
United States History - Eleventh Grade (two semesters)
Students will uncover the history of our nation through this comprehensive survey. There is a focus on the causes of events, the strains on the Union, and the underlying issues that have shaped United States history.
Dual Enrollment US History to 1865 and US History Since 1865 - Eleventh Grade (two semesters)
TCA partners with LeTourneau University for this course. Students will survey the political, social, and economic developments of America from the colonizing experience through the Civil War with emphasis on the development of the American democratic tradition. Students who receive a passing grade from LETU will receive 6 hours college credit.
There are prerequisites for this course, and it is highly recommended that students be self-motivated and have a good work ethic.
Government - Twelfth Grade (one semester)
Students explore federalism, state and local government, and the opportunities and responsibilities of American citizens in the political system. The constitution and principles and mechanics of a constitutional republic are emphasized.
Economics - Twelfth Grade (one semester)
This course emphasizes free enterprise capitalism in a free market economy. Biblical views of work, wealth, and stewardship teach proper economic roles of individual producers, consumers, and the government.
Dual Enrollment American Government - Twelfth Grade (one semester)
TCA partners with LeTourneau University for this course, which emphasizes the important concepts and ideas of government as well as people and events. The benefits of free enterprise, rule by law, and limited, representative government are emphasized and contrasted with the disadvantages of opposing systems. Students are encouraged to be good stewards of the country with which God has so graciously blessed us by living righteously and actively participating in our unique form of government.
Students who receive a passing grade from LETU will receive 3 hours college credit.
There are prerequisites for this course, and it is highly recommended that students be self-motivated and have a good work ethic.
Dual Enrollment Economics - Twelfth Grade (one semester)
TCA partners with LeTourneau University for this course, which is an introduction to the theory and history of free exchange and economic inquiry. Free market thought will be scrutinized from the perspective of the Christian understanding of human behavior and contrasted with other paradigms. Specific topics include examination of the "economic question," the tools of economic analysis with focus on the applicability to the study of human behavior, the market process, demand and the consumer, cost and supply, market structure, government regulation, and resource demand and supply.
Students who receive a passing grade from LETU will receive 3 hours college credit.
There are prerequisites for this course, and it is highly recommended that students be self-motivated and have a good work ethic.
Science acknowledges that the world in which we live belongs to God, our Heavenly Father, who designed the world in His perfect will of relationships. God has given us the responsibility to learn about the natural laws in order that we may take care of the world He has given us.
In science, students will see God's world through application of technology. These learning experiences, based on God's word, will allow students' knowledge of His creation to increase and will affirm their faith in the creator, enabling them to use science to the glory of God.
Biology - Ninth (two semesters)
Biology (the science that deals with living organisms and vital life processes) is a course that will take the student on a journey through the world in which we live. This world is made of remarkable diversity, but all living things share certain key characteristics that God designed and created. The text is divided into three units: The Science of Life, The Science of Organisms, and the Study of Human Life. Laboratory exercises will accompany the textbook and will encourage students to think critically and logically.
Chemistry - Tenth (two semesters)
This introductory chemistry course will encourage students to think using a logical series of steps and apply this technique to solving problems. The text will emphasize the basics of chemistry as well as the practical application of chemistry in everyday life and will be presented in the Christian view of science in general. Topics covered include: concepts of matter and atomic structure, elements, compounds, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, thermodynamics, gas laws, chemical bonds, chemical equilibrium and acids, bases & salts.
Physics - Eleventh (two semesters)
Physics is the study of those laws that govern certain types of physical phenomena in God's creation. The areas covered in this course are: mechanics (the study of motion and its causes); light, sound and waves; electricity and magnetism; properties of matter, thermodynamics; and relativity.
Environmental Science - Twelfth (two semesters)
This course is designed to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to identify and analyze environmental problems, both natural and human-made. It explores ways to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing issues faced while caring for the creation God has entrusted to us.
Honors Human Anatomy and Physiology - Twelfth (two semesters)
This honors high school course will consist of the fundamental principles and unifying themes of the interrelationships of all the body organ systems. Homeostasis and complementarity of structure and function will also be stressed. Students will not only learn the terminology and processes of structure and function but also grow to appreciate God's most awesome creation - the miraculous human body.
Honors Physics - Twelfth (two semesters)
Honors Physics begins with an algebra-based college-level investigation of mechanics, including linear and rotational motion, forces, and energy. The course also includes electronics, computer coding, robotics, and astronomy.
AP Environmental Science - Twelfth (two semesters)
The AP Environmental Science course is the equivalent of a one-semester, introductory college course in environmental science, through which students engage with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world. Environmental science is interdisciplinary, embracing topics from geology, biology, environmental studies, environmental science, chemistry, and geography.
This class is designed for those who have completed biology and chemistry with a strong average and are highly motivated.
Mathematics demonstrates God's order in an abstract world of numbers. In mathematics, the students will learn through incremental steps as the Bible states, "precept upon precept, line upon line..." (Isaiah 28:10). Math students must build concept upon concept and develop sequential mastery of mathematical principles.
Algebra I - Ninth (two semesters)
Students will use concrete, numerical, algorithmic, and graphical tools to explore topics that include basic concepts of real numbers, algebraic thinking, functions, linear equation/functions, inequalities, quadratic expressions, polynomials, radicals, nonlinear functions, data analysis, graphing, and applications.
Geometry - Ninth or Tenth (two semesters)
This course provides students an opportunity to study zero-, one-, two- and three-dimensional geometry, to use geometric models, to apply the properties of figures in problem-solving situations, and to use appropriate technology to solve geometric problems.
Prerequisite: Algebra I
Algebra II - Tenth or Eleventh (two semesters)
Topics include modeling using algebra, linear, exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, rational, quadratic functions, number systems and investigating data.
Prerequisite: Algebra I and Geometry
Pre-Calculus - Eleventh or Twelfth (two semesters)
This course is a combination of advanced algebra, trigonometry, elementary analysis, and analytical geometry. It provides a foundation and allows students to be successful in a higher-level math course.
Prerequisites: Algebra I and II, Geometry
Honors Pre-Calculus - Eleventh (two semesters)
This course explores all of the topics in Pre-Calculus in a deeper way. The honors course moves more quickly and covers a broader range of topics.
Prerequisites: Algebra I and II, Geometry
Statistics - Twelfth (two semesters)
Statistics is a course emphasizing the collecting, organizing, summarizing, & analyzing of data. From this information, then the student will be able to predict future patterns in regard to regression lines. The student should be familiar with finding the mean, median, mode, range, and mid-range of information. They should be able to enter the information into a chart on the calculator and generate a box & whisker plot. The student needs to be familiar with the STAT menu on the TI-84 calculator.
DE College Algebra - Twelfth (two semesters)
TCA partners with Colorado Christian University to offer this course, which is taught on-campus by a seasoned TCA instructor. Topics include solving equations and systems of equations, functions and graphing, inequalities, logarithms, exponentials, sequences, and series. An emphasis is placed on applied problems in physical, life, and social sciences.
Prerequisites: Minimum ACT math score of 19 or SAT math score of at least 480
AP Calculus - Twelfth (two semesters)
This course will cover algebra, geometry, trigonometry, analytic geometry, and elementary functions. Students must be familiar with the properties of functions, the algebra of functions and know the values of the trigonometric functions of numbers from the basic unit circle.
This class is designed for those who have completed Honors Pre-Calculus with a strong average and are highly motivated.
God is the originator of all languages. When mankind decided to unite against God, as described in Genesis, the utilization of multiple languages thwarted any plans that could have developed. Because of this sin, there are a number of languages spoken today and Spanish is just one. In Spanish, the student will see order and logic as they start with basic speech sounds and end with conversational
and written Spanish. In order to fulfill God's mandate to "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations..." (Matt. 28:19a), one must have the necessary communication skills. Students of Spanish must build a working vocabulary and a grammatical concept of sentence formation all aimed at making communication with God and man possible.
Spanish I - Ninth Grade (two semesters)
In this course, students are introduced to Spanish grammar and vocabulary essential for effective communication while improving their ability to speak, read, write, and understand the language. Student will also learn various social and cultural aspects of Spanish speaking people.
Spanish II - Tenth Grade (two semesters)
Spanish II focuses on the continued development of communicative competence in Spanish. Students will have a more complex vocabulary and understanding of grammar. The major means of communication between student and teacher is in Spanish.
Honors Spanish III - Eleventh Grade (two semesters)
This course is taught predominantly in Spanish. It provides a more in-depth study of language and culture. The focus for the year is conversational Spanish.
Creative arts involves the expressions of praise and worship to God our creator through music and artistic venues. The student will learn that all of their gifts and talents are given by God and they are accountable to use these gifts to bring honor and glory to Him.
Art (two semesters) -
This course enables students to gain a broad understanding of art. Students participate in a variety of learning experiences using a wide range of mediums. Throughout the year students use direct observation, imagination, and personal experiences as inspiration for their own art works, while learning the elements of art and principals of design.
Praise Team (two semesters) -
Students in Praise Team must audition in the spring of the previous school year. Students are selected by a panel of judges and serve on the team for the following school year. Musicians and singers desiring to lead in worship during secondary chapel each week make up the team.
Theater (two semesters) -
Students are trained in teamwork, relaxation, concentration, movement, voice, play analysis, acting, improvisation, character analysis, performance, scene work, monologues, audition/interview skills, theatre vocabulary, and theatre history. This course counts towards the Fine Arts requirement for graduation.
Yearbook (two semesters) -
Yearbook staffers create and design layouts using software skills covered in class. Students learn basic photography including how to upload, edit, and organize photographs for use in the school yearbook, The Talon. Basic Photoshop techniques are also covered during class time. Students practice journalistic writing, video editing, advertising sales, and time management.
22.23 Elective Course Descriptions
5th Hour Electives
Art I (Mrs. Overholt)
This is a year-long art class. Students will learn about and explore a variety of art mediums in this project-based class that helps develop students’ technical and creative abilities. A wide range of projects will be covered that build on previous years’ experience.
College Prep (Mrs. Creacy)
Students will research colleges, construct a formal résumé, prepare a proper email to use for college/scholarship recommendation requests, prepare scholarship essays, and work through Khan Academy to practice SAT and ACT tests to improve scores. This is a one semester course. Students may take this course any one semester from the spring of sophomore year through the fall of senior year.
Conspiracy Theories (Mrs. Gables - Fall Semester)
Have you ever wondered if the Moon Landing was faked or if Bigfoot or aliens exist? What do you believe abut JFK’s assassination? Conspiracy thinking has been a part of American society from the founding of our country. In this course, students will explore the truths, myths, and basic knowledge that surrounds many famous and historical events. Students will research such events, present these findings to the class, and participate in class discussions about their research. Students will analyze the growing trend of conspiracy theories as used in entertainment and its effects on society. Conspiracy theories to be analyzed included 9/11, Area 51, the death of Princess Diana, the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, and Global Warming.
Creative Writing (Mrs. Day)
Creative writing offers students opportunities to express themselves in new and exciting ways while exploring a variety of genres through individual effort and collaborative activities. Students will model some traditional forms of imaginative literature (such as the sonnet) but will produce innovative works as well. The goal is to harness individual creativity and focus that creativity into literary expressions of which a student can be further - and have fun along the way. Publishing opportunities may also be pursued. This course can be a year-long or one semester class.
Cultural Studies (Mrs. Kruse)
This elective will be a fun way for students to step outside the world of Parker County and learn about other cultures. Students will experience the world through music, food, traditions/social values, language, and even question and answer sessions with people from different backgrounds. Students will contribute to the direction of the course and which cultures they wish to explore. Studying other cultures will help students better understand the world and themselves.
Current Events (Spring only) (Mrs. Gables)
Introduction to Accounting Principles (11th/12th only) (Mrs. Miller)
This course will cover the following objectives: accounting overview, starting an accounting system, analyzing and journalizing transactions, posting to a general ledger and preparing a worksheet. This is a yearlong class.
Intro to Agriculture (Mr. Edwards)
This survey style class will explore the various aspects of agriculture including ag business and management, ag leadership, and the various facets and considerations of agricultural natural resources. Students will be introduced to the areas of animal science, agronomy, soil science, horticulture, food production, basic tenets of farming/ranching, and career explorations in agriculture related fields.
Intro to Coding (Mrs. Garcia)
This course is offered as technology integration and will guide students through resources and activities to achieve an understanding of the world of computer coding at a beginner’s level. Because coding is similar to learning a new language, the coder must “learn the language” of code. Coding is the process of inputting instructions that results in an action, or output. The content of the course will provide cross-curricular opportunities to broaden students’ understanding and experience of computer and technological literacy.
Intro to Psychology (10th-12th Grades; fall only or fall and spring, but not spring only)
(Mrs. Staggs)
This course introduces Christian high school students to the study of the human mind and prepares them for the worldview challenges embedded in modern psychology’s theories and schools-of-thought they will face in required courses. Students will hopefully obtain a greater understanding of themselves, those around them, and the God who made us all. Some of the topics covered in this course include social relationships, personality, anxiety, how to manage stress, and abnormal psychology such as schizophrenia.
Praise Team
Students in Praise Team tryout in the spring semester prior to the school year. Students are selected by a panel of judges and serve on the team for the entire school year. Praise Team is made up of musicians, singers, and sound/media techs who lead the school in worship during secondary chapel each week.
Spanish III (Honors) (Mrs. Eaton)
This course builds on concepts learned in Spanish I and II. Students who wish to earn the Advanced Achievement Degree must take this course.
Speech (one semester - graduation requirement - required for current Freshmen)
Speech class includes the study of public speaking, voice pedagogy, modern media analysis, and the fine-tuning of self-expression techniques. Speech is a required elective for graduation and is taken during freshman year. Students who transfer to TCA during high school must take Speech to be eligible for graduation.
Sports Management (fall only or spring only) (Coach Myers)
Are you interested in a career in sports or sports management? This class will give students a better idea of what it takes to be successful. The class will cover a general overview of different career paths in sports, sport ethics, financial management, facility and event management, strategic planning, and media exposure for TCA Athletics.
Strategy Games (Mrs. Savell)
Do you enjoy whooping your friends in board games? Do you want to exercise the strategic side of your creative mind in a fun and relaxed class environment? If so, the Strategy Games class is for you! This class will focus on playing games that are centered more around strategy and planning than around chance, which develops long-range planning and strategizing skills. There will also be a creative element in which you develop and construct a strategy game for your peers to try. Games played will include Settlers of Catan, Risk, Ticket to Ride, Monopoly, Stratego, Sequence, Chess/Checkers, Mancala, Apples to Apples, and many more!
Study Hall (10th-12th only)
Priority will be given to students in both athletics and at least one advanced class)
Theater (Mrs. Kaznowski)
Theater is a field in the Performing Arts in which the student will be introduced to the art of not only acting techniques, but the theatrical skills as well as theater appreciation. The Theater student will be trained in teamwork, relaxation, concentration, movement, voice, play analysis, acting, improvisation, character analysis, performance, scene work, monologues, audition/interview skills, theater vocabulary, and theater history. The class is designed for the student to gain self-confidence, social and communicative skills, and to explore unknown or hidden talents and strengths within each student. These are important skills that apply to many areas of life or career paths.
Yearbook (full year) (Mrs. Estes)
Do you want to play a role in creating TCA’s story? Yearbook staffers create and design layouts each year to create a story for students to remember. Students learn basic photography, graphic design, and journalistic writing while designing the yearbook, The Talon. Students also learn about theme and design elements which are useful in advertising, marketing, and print applications such as magazines and newspapers.
8th Hour
Team Sports Athletics (Athletic Credit)
Any student involved in a team sport will be in 8th hour Athletics year round.
Students in Golf and Tennis only will be in 8th hour Athletics class in the spring ONLY. These students should choose an 8th hour elective for the fall semester.
Students who participate in Clay Target, and/or Swim only practice before or after school and do NOT enroll in 8th hour athletics. These students are free to choose other 8th hour electives for both fall and spring semesters.
Cross Country students WILL be in 8th hour athletics year round.
Advanced Art with AP Studio option (Prerequisite: Art 1) (Mrs. Overholt)
This art class is designed for students who desire to improve their art skills, develop their creative voice through visual art, and build an Art Portfolio to present for AP Art credit.
Art I (Mrs. Overholt)
This is a year-long art class. Students will learn about and explore a variety of art mediums in this project-based class that helps develop students’ technical and creative abilities. A wide range of projects will be covered that build on previous years’ experience.
Conspiracy Theories (Mrs. Gables)
Have you ever wondered if the Moon Landing was faked or if Bigfoot or aliens exist? What do you believe abut JFK’s assassination? Conspiracy thinking has been a part of American society from the founding of our country. In this course, students will explore the truths, myths, and basic knowledge that surrounds many famous and historical events. Students will research such events, present these findings to the class, and participate in class discussions about their research. Students will analyze the growing trend of conspiracy theories as used in entertainment and its effects on society. Conspiracy theories to be analyzed included 9/11, Area 51, the death of Princess Diana, the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, and Global Warming.
Current Events (Spring only) (Mrs. Gables)
Drumline (Mr. Dorrell)
Drumline. This includes playing at pep rallies, football games, the homecoming parade, TAPPS Drumline Competition, and many other events. The class itself will achieve goals such as learning to read music, proper technique, and how to balance individual disciplines while playing as part of a group. Grading will be based on preparedness for class and participation in all extracurricular events.
Film at Literature (Mrs. Creacy)
This class will allow students to evaluate various movies through the lens of both a secular worldview and a biblical worldview. Students will closely pay attention to the plots, characters, significant scenes, minor scenes, and the message in general in multiple films. The movies will be categorized by themes and will be critically assessed as literature.
Robotics (Mrs. Garcia)
Utilizing an inquiry-based format, students will explore STEM through hands-on, applied technology and project-based learning. This beginning robotics course will allow students to use basic coding and engineering and problem solving skills to create robotic mechanisms. Students must enjoy collaboration and problem solving to be successful in this class. There is a $75 fee.
Sports Photography (Athletic Credit) (Mrs. Estes)
Students will learn sports journalism photography from composition to editing. Photos have the potential to be featured in the yearbook. Students will be assigned to TCA Athletic teams and required to attend those TCA home games to take photos for the class.
Teacher’s Aide/Office Aide (by application and approval only - email for information)
Theater Tech Design (Mrs. Kaznowski)
(Participation in TCA Theater productions is required.)
Are you crafty and artistic? Do you enjoy bringing ideas to life? Theater Tech Design students participate in designing, creating, and building sets for TCA Theater productions. Students gain knowledge of the basics of Tech Theater and learn how a show runs backstage during the pre-production and production process. This class will offer some acting opportunities as well.
Yearbook (Mrs. Estes)
Do you want to play a role in creating TCA’s story? Yearbook staffers create and design layouts each year to create a story for students to remember. Students learn basic photography, graphic design, and journalistic writing while designing the yearbook, The Talon. Students also learn about theme and design elements which are useful in advertising, marketing, and print applications such as magazines and newspapers.